Key Stage 1 National Curriculum Tests
The Key Stage 1 SATs are taken in Year 2. During the month of May, students will sit assessment papers and teachers will also assess the children based on their classwork.
What is included?
The Key Stage 1 Assessment tests are made up of the following papers:
Mathematics Paper 1: Arithmetic
Mathematics Paper 2: Reasoning (a general maths paper)
Reading Paper 1 (a simple comprehension paper where the text is broken up into sections with questions for each section)
Reading Paper 2 (a more difficult comprehension paper with a separate booklet of reading material)
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Paper 1: Spelling
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Paper 2: Questions
Previous assessment materials are now available from the Standards and Testing Agency:
National Curriculum Assessment Practice Materials
How are levels determined?
Now that curriculum levels are no longer used, ability will be determined using scaled scores. Scaled scores allow a raw score to be converted into something that can be compared more easily to determine whether or not a child is meeting the expected ability for their age group.
While schools are not obliged to publish their results, parents will be able to request the scores from their school to check their child’s level of ability and progress.
What level should my child be reaching by the end of Key Stage 1?
A scaled score of 100 will always represent the national standard (no matter what year group the child is in). So, if your child scores around the 100 mark, you know they are achieving the expected level of ability. For the Key Stage 1 assessment, it equates loosely to a level 2B in the old system of levelling.
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